Monday, February 23, 2009

Random Musings for Wacko Times

Is it really true that there are over 30 camps on US soil where Islam radicals are training terrorists?

Someone said that they are glad they voted Democratic because they really do believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years.

Is Joe Biden really now in charge of overseeing both our involvement in Iraq and the disbursement of the bail out money?

Was I the only one who thought it bizarre to be lectured by Sean Penn of all people on how those who supported Prop 8 will be held in shame by their children and their grandchildren?

Should we be shuddering that Hillary Clinton is proposing 900 million in aid to Gaza, acting as if duly elected Hamas will not get its hands on that money?

Are there really foreign jobs waiting for bank CEO’s so we should worry about losing their talents? What foreign countries and what talents?

Doesn’t George Bush look 20 years younger already and doesn’t President Obama look 10 years older in a month?

What random musings are you having in these wild and wooly times? Do share!

1 comment:

  1. Here, here!

    If we stop paying our mortgage, can we get bailed out too?

    Will Sean Penn care when believers are thrown in the pen for preaching what we believe to be truth? That Homosexuality is an abomination? (just like lying, cheating, stealing, abusing etc.) Wonder if he'll care about our 1st amendment rights then?

    Is Guantanamo moving to SD? Or has Obama finally figured out that maybe Bush wasn't so far off after all...?
