Monday, February 23, 2009

Random Musings for Wacko Times

Is it really true that there are over 30 camps on US soil where Islam radicals are training terrorists?

Someone said that they are glad they voted Democratic because they really do believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years.

Is Joe Biden really now in charge of overseeing both our involvement in Iraq and the disbursement of the bail out money?

Was I the only one who thought it bizarre to be lectured by Sean Penn of all people on how those who supported Prop 8 will be held in shame by their children and their grandchildren?

Should we be shuddering that Hillary Clinton is proposing 900 million in aid to Gaza, acting as if duly elected Hamas will not get its hands on that money?

Are there really foreign jobs waiting for bank CEO’s so we should worry about losing their talents? What foreign countries and what talents?

Doesn’t George Bush look 20 years younger already and doesn’t President Obama look 10 years older in a month?

What random musings are you having in these wild and wooly times? Do share!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Outside the Super Bowl

Super Bowl is a strange afternoon for a non-sports guy. It reminds me of when I was 20 something and walked by a church where a high school friend was being married. I had not been invited to the wedding and when I heard the fantastic organ rip I could only imagine what the whole wedding looked like. I feel like that day on Super Bowl.
The feeling is also like being a non drinker. Because I don’t drink, sometimes people don’t invite me to things if there is going to be alcohol around. I have explained often that it wasn’t THEIR drinking that got me in trouble and I don’t care if they drink, but still they often pass. I think they think I count their drinks. I don’t.
Perhaps at the core of it all is the whole pastor thing. I mean, who wants a pastor in the corner of the room when they are helping coach the team at the top of their lungs and perhaps at the extreme end of their vocabulary?
I remember one Super Bowl that I didn’t need an invitation to enjoy. There was this knock out with whom I was hitting successive bars in Pacific Beach. It was rainy and cold. We would duck into a pub, have a drink, go walk on the beach, go into another bar…all to the background of the Super Bowl playing on tv. The best part was necking under the PB pier. She’s in the kitchen starting on dinner as I write.
Turns out she liked a non-sports guy who quit drinking and chases after God. I think I’ll go see if she wants to take a ride down to the pier.