Sunday, January 4, 2009

One Thousand Mornings

It was a drizzly morning today here in Alpine where Google Earth tells me our home is at exactly 1899 feet elevation. As I stood looking out at the leaves lying on the bank behind the pool ( wondering who would rake them and if they would blow away on their own) I thought of how many thousands of mornings I have been alive. It is a big number. And then I started to think about how many thousands of mornings I will remain alive. Of course I don't know that figure but I am certain it will be a lesser number than the other one.
Too much to get my head around. But a thousand mornings is not. I can grasp that number. It equates to a bit less than three years. Three years. A thousand mornings.
What can be lived in those thousand mornings? What can be seen that I have never really ever seen before? What caring and love can I show to those whom I do so love that I have not been showing? What can I hear from the God of the universe that I have never heard before? (I wonder if I can actually exercise 80% of the next thousand mornings?!)
Tomorrow in this life is promised to no man. Yet that very statement puts me on notice to be present to each of the thousand mornings in front of me.
How will you spend your next one thousand mornings?


  1. Whatever the next thousand mornings bring I pray that I will welcome each one by your side. May we welcome a thousand thousand together. Great blog, my love!

  2. Sorry for the 'Aunt Honey'....I edited my profile

  3. This reminds me of something the Lord has been speaking to me lately... just that yesterday is gone (praise GOD!), tomorrow isn't here, nor is it promised to me, but today... Now THAT's a gift...
